Hinged Door Measurement




To read off a bent tape, we generally recommend to read it just before the bend, like showing in the photo below. The tip is to place the bend against the corner as tightly as possible. If you place the bend at the corner and you read the number right before the bend, you can add 1~2 mm to the read, and that would be your measured opening. In this case, 301mm is pretty accurate. Measure twice or three times until you get the same number. 1 or 2mm off will not really impact the installation of the screens as they are many ways to pack or chisel the opening to make it fit.

Alternatively, you can place the tape meaure inside the opening and include the tape body as part of the measurement. You need add the tape body length to the measurement to get the final read. Most of the tape will have its own body length indicated on the case, else you can measure the body length first.


1. Measuring for a new screen door, build from scratch:
Door Height: Measure from top (1.1) to bottom (1.2) on both sides of your door frame,record the shortest measurement and entered the number in the text field named opening height. The new door height will be automatically generated based on the measurement you entered.

For all PRODUCT BUILDERS, if you choose the build “from scratch” option, please enter the number in the text field named opening height. The new door height will be automatically generated based on the measurement you entered.

For the fast track ordering page, non-product builders, you need to calculate the height of the door by deducting 8mm from the recorded opening height and enter the MAKING SIZE only.

A bug seal is recommended to minimise gap at the bottom after the door is installed. This can be selected from the list of Add Ons available when calculating the price of your door.

1.1 1.2

Door Width: Measure the top, middle and bottom of your door opening/rebate(1.3), record and enter the number iinto the according text field. We recommend measure at least twice and check the measurements before entering into our system.

For all PRODUCT BUILDERS, if you choose the build “from scratch” option, please enter the number in the text field named opening width. The new door width will be automatically generated based on the measurement you entered.

For the fast track ordering page, non-product builders, you need to calculate the width of the door by deducting 8mm from the recorded opening width and enter the MAKING SIZE only.

If you choose to have triple locks installed for your hinge door, you need to minus 9mm from the opening width to get the exact MAKING SIZE of the door.

All the fast-track order pages require MAKING SIZE, they are calculated by you.


Hinge Bind: If your middle width is longer or shorter, creating a bow in or out at the middle, this must be corrected. For a bow in the centre, the hinge can be packed out (Hinge Packers are available on the addon page). For a bow out, the hinge will have to be let in, this must be done by chiselling the door frame to make a cutout to place the hinge.

Lock Side: Stand outside, and close the main door. Establish whether you want the new lock on the left or right hand side, then decide if you want the new lock above the existing door handle or below.

Lock Height

Lock Above: Measure from the bottom sill to the top of the existing solid door lock or handle.(1.4)
Lock Below: Measure from the bottom sill to the bottom of the existing solid door lock or handle.(1.4)

If you have an existing lock hole (1.6) from a previous door and you are confident that this has clearance from the existing lock, based on the Lock Above & Lock Below guidelines, then measure from bottom floor to the centre of the lock hole. This would be the striker/ lock tongue height. You need to send us this measurement as a reply to the order confirmation email if you want us to install the lock to this measurement. We cannot guarantee a perfect fit in this situation and you may need to expand the holes still.


Lock Type:
Security sliding door will require steel key lock for security purpose. Flyscreens can have key lock, handle with a latch, or just handle, since security is not a concern for flyscreen doors.

2.Replacing the existing door:
Door Height & Door Width: We generally recommend you to measure the size of the existing doors, if you are happy with how the door is. The new door will be exactly the same. If you are not happy about the size, you need to follow the above step and choose build from scratch.
Lock Height:
Lock Above: Measure from the bottom of the exisitng door to the bottom of the exisitng lock and enter the number. the new lock will be installed above this point.
Lock Below: Measure from the bottom of the exisitng door to the top of the exisitng lock and enter the number. the new lock will be installed below this point.
Lock Side:
Viewing from outside the house, identify which side the original door lock is.
Lock Type:
Security hinge door will require key lock, flyscreen door can choose any type that best fit your needs.